Monday, March 29, 2010

Super Awsome Footage

This 31 seconds your about the experience is so much better then anything else on earth. Nothing but hammers. So now I present to you, Throwaway montage #5.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Super Wallrides

Went out skating this weekend with the normal crew plus Eby from Naysayser Skateboards and one of his friends from NYC. We skated every weird spot in the whole city... after that weekend I was sore for like 2 days afterwords... anyway, check out the footage. Its got trees with hats and magical wallrides.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Saint Painful Day

Wow, its been a while since The Hammer has been updated. Heres the footage from St. Patricks day. It was a pretty good session til Metzger had to have his arm fall off... damn you!

I should have some other stuff comin up real soon, so check back here soon for more videos.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

YouTube RULES!

ok Youtube, stop taking the damn audio off my videos. Its supid and pointless. I hate you.
Anyway, we went to Reid Menzor. It was sorta wet from the snow so we just skated the small stuff on the edges of the park. Pretty good trip out there, hope to do it again soon, and hopefully when we do gas prices will be lower so it doesn't suck so bad.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Adult Swim

Skated Roslyn today with Kev. Most of the park was snow free and dry, and we helped shovel along with Ttox and Boder, so hopefully by the time you are reading this, the whole thing will be dry. Props to Ttox for shoveling the most out of everyone. Anyway, we skated the kiddy pool and got some pretty epic footage. Hope you like tailblocks.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lone Quarter Pipe

Me and Kev went to go skate the mini ramp at Langhorne Ski and Sport, but ended up just falling a lot, so we left, and we spotted a quarterpipe in the parking lot that was just sitting there. So we went to check that out, and it was terrible. So heres the footage of us skating a mini ramp poorly, then skating the worst quarterpipe ever. You must be excited to see this...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Today Was A Good Day

Another Sabotage video stolen and put up here. This one has footage of Asian Dave skating the peanut bowl at FDR. Enjoy the fresh meat...